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Approaching the bridge over the river Nestos, between the villages of Toxotes and Paradeisos, 14 km west of Xanthi, are located the ruins of the ancient city of Topeiros. It was a small settlement of classical and Hellenistic times, it’s situated on a hill northwest of the village of New Amissos. By the River Nestos, south and southwest of the village Toxotes, were identified Thracian ...
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In the settlements of Maggana, Erasmio, Melissa and Avato, the custom is maintained and during the celebration of Agios Theodoros young people are stealing some objects (flowers, clothing, agricultural tools, etc.) from the yards of single girls late at night and leave those objects at the village square. The next morning the girls go to the square to get their “stolen” items back....

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Στον οικισμό Αβάτου, στις 8 Σεπτεμβρίου, γίνεται αναπαράσταση θρακιώτικου γάμου. Συμμετέχουν όλοι οι κάτοικοι του οικισμού ντυμένοι με παραδοσιακές θρακιώτικες ενδυμασίες. Οι άντρες του χωριού τραγουδώντας ...
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The custom of “Pechlivanides” is held in the district of Olvios. On the day of Agios Georgios, by noon, a group of traditional instruments with “tabor” and “zurna”, roam the neighborhoods of the village, and invite the residents to attend wrestling matches. Young wrestlers from different parts of northern Greece, also known as "Pechlivanides" (meaning wrestler in Turkish), ...