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Zone umede protejate/ Natura
De ce să vedeți asemenea peisaje numai în fotografii? Cele mai importante zone umede ale regiunii sunt protejate prin acorduri internaționale, astfel încât să le putem descoperi și să le iubim și mai mult. Vizitați-le și veți rămâne impresionați!
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Το Δίκτυο NATURA είναι ένα ευρύ Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο προστατευόμενων φυσικών περιοχών >>>
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Natura Area 2000: Mountain Falakro Peaks. Natura Areas 2000: Rhodope – Simida. Preys" Shelters: Κato Nevrokopi. >>>
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In Xanthi there are the following Natura regions: Mount Chaidou - Koula and the surrounding peaks, with an area of 3,488 hectares, the straits of >>>
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The special geological substratum, combined with climatic, soil and topographic conditions, created a significant variety of habitats with special >>>
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Nestos remains until today the pride of the northeastern Greece for his ecological value, the rare and beautiful natural environment. The forest - >>>
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Περιοχές Natura – καταφύγια

Περιοχές Natura 2000: Κορυφές Ορούς >>>

Περιοχές Natura - Καταφύγια

Περιοχή Natura 2000: Κορυφές Ορούς >>>

Protected areas – preys' shelters -MUMICIPALITY OF DRAMA -

The special geological substratum, combined with climatic, >>>

Protected areas – preys' shelters -Municipality of

It is situated in the northeastern part of the prefecture of >>>

Protected areas – preys' shelters-Municipality of

Prinolofos-Mavrokordato (Platanias-Pteleas), covering an >>>

Protected areas – preys' shelters-Municipality of

The flora that synthesizes high mountain vegetation consists >>>

Protected areas – preys' shelters

The Community of Sidironero, just like the whole of the >>>